
صندوق بريد: 11745 ، برج السالمية ، دبي ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Knee Replacement Treatment Cost in India

A person would be considered for a Total Knee Replacement if the individual experiences daily pain, restricting not only work and recreation, but also the ordinary activities of daily living. There must also be evidence of significant destruction of the knee as seen on an x-ray.

The average cost of unilateral knee replacement ranges from 5,000 USD to 6,000 USD and for bilateral knee replacement the cost may vary from 7,500 USD to 9,000 USD. It can be partial knee replacement or a total knee replacement. The average cost of Knee Replacement Surgery in India varies between 3,500 USD- 9,000 USD depending upon the type of surgery- partial/total knee replacement, unilateral/bilateral knee replacement, minimally invasive surgery, etc

Why choose India for Knee Replacement Surgery?

  1. التكلفة المعقولة
  2. لا وقت انتظار
  3. توافر أفضل الجراحين
  4. Use of latest technology for better success rates and minimal recovery period
  5. توافر مجموعة متنوعة من الغرسات
  6. خدمات إعادة التأهيل المتقدمة

تقع الفنادق بالقرب من المستشفيات ، ويمكن توفير الفنادق حسب حاجة المريض ، وتبلغ أسعار الغرف القياسية 25 دولارًا أمريكيًا ، وفيها مكيف ، وحمام ملحق ، وتلفزيون ، وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية ، ووجبة الإفطار. ملحوظة: (5% من جميع النفقات المذكورة أعلاه. عادة ما تغطي - أدوية ، ونفقات غير معروفة).

Knee Replacement treatment Hospitals in India


Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Total knee replacement
Total knee replacement (TKR), also referred to as Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA), is a surgical procedure where worn, diseased, or damaged surfaces of a knee joint are removed and replaced with artificial surfaces. Knee replacement surgery is performed to treat advanced or end-stage arthritis or to the patient who has severe pain in the knee joint.

Causes of Knee Replacement:
Osteoarthritis resulting from “wear and tear” is the most common reason for individuals to undergo knee replacement surgery. Rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joints, can cause deterioration of cartilage and other parts of the joint and also result in the need for knee replacement.

Signs you need a knee replacement

  • Pain that awakes you in night.
  • If the leg swells or changes in the appearance of the knees can be a sign of inflammation.
  • You have knee pain that limits necessary, daily functions such as climbing stairs or standing up
  • Your knee pain does not limit routine activities

When Does One Need Knee Replacement?

Generally, a person would be considered for a Total Knee Replacement if the individual experiences daily pain, restricting not only work and recreation, but also the ordinary activities of daily living. There must also be evidence of significant destruction of the knee as seen on an x-ray.

Knee Replacement Procedure

Once the anaesthesia has been given and the patient is prepared, the damaged joint surfaces are removed. An incision approximately eight inches in length is made on the front of the knee. The damaged joint surfaces are removed from all 3 bones making up the knee joint. Sometimes, depending on the surgeon, the back of the knee cap is left intact if it is not badly affected by arthritis. The surrounding muscles and most of the ligaments are preserved. The lower end of the thigh bone (femur) is resurfaced with a metal cap. The upper end of the leg bone (tibia) is replaced with a plastic and metal implant with cement and or screws. The actual procedure takes about 1 ½ to 2 hours.

Types of Implants:

Cemented Implants: – The components of the implant are fixed to the bone with a grout-like cement known as polymethyl-methacrylate. This cement allows the implants to perfectly fit the irregularities of the bone.

Non-cemented Implants: – In a non-cemented procedure, components of the implant have a roughened porous surface designed to allow the bone to grow into it, eliminating the need for cement. The implants are “press fit” against the bony surfaces that are precisely cut through the use of multiple cutting jigs.

Hybrid Fixation Implants: – Consists of a combination of the cemented and non-cemented technique. In this method, the femoral component is not cemented and the tibial component is cemented.

رعاية ما بعد الجراحة

Once the anaesthesia has been given and the patient is prepared, the damaged joint surfaces are removed. An incision approximately eight inches in length is made on the front of the knee. The damaged joint surfaces are removed from all 3 bones making up the knee joint. Sometimes, depending on the surgeon, the back of the knee cap is left intact if it is not badly affected by arthritis. The surrounding muscles and most of the ligaments are preserved. The lower end of the thigh bone (femur) is resurfaced with a metal cap. The upper end of the leg bone (tibia) is replaced with a plastic and metal implant with cement and or screws. The actual procedure takes about 1 ½ to 2 hours.
