
P.O Box : 11745, Al Salemiyah Tower, Dubai, UAE

Brain Stem Glioma Treatment

What is Brain Stem Gliomas?

The brain stem is the central hub of the brain and central nervous system connecting the brain and the spinal cord. It includes the midbrain, pons, and medulla. Brain stem gliomas account for approximately 10% of paediatric brain tumors.


Types of Brain Stem Gliomas
Focal Brainstem Gliomas
(30% of brainstem gliomas) involve more commonly the upper midbrain and lower medulla and carry the best prognosis.

Diffuse Brainstem Gliomas
(70%) are most commonly found in the pons and upper midbrain, are infiltrative and carry the worst prognosis.

Symptoms of Brain Stem Gliomas

  1. Double vision or an inability to close the eyelids
  2. Drooping of the face
  3. Difficulty chewing and swallowing food
  4. Weakness in the arms and legs, clumsiness or wobbliness, and difficulty walking
  5. Difficulty talking
  6. Headache
  7. Vomiting

Brain Stem Gliomas of treatments:

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses x-rays or other high-energy particles to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy is the most common treatment for brain stem glioma.



Chemotherapy is used for advanced stages of prostate cancer, as it uses drugs to destroy the cancer cells. It is used when cancer cells have spread into other organs or tissues. As the drug circulates in the bloodstream, they kill both cancerous and non-cancerous cells.



Surgery is used to treat brain stem glioma only when the tumor’s appearance on an MRI scan is focal, thus suggesting it may be possible to remove cancer without damaging the brain.
