
P.O Box : 11745, Al Salemiyah Tower, Dubai, UAE

Tummy Tuck in Dubai

Tummy tuck also called abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery that is used to make the abdomen firmer. People having irregular abdominal shapes can go for a tummy tuck in Dubai as the tummy tuck surgery removes excess fat and skin from the middle and lower abdomen and also tightens and strengthens the muscles of the abdomen wall.

Quick Answers

Procedure TypeSurgical
AnesthesiaGeneral Anaesthesia
Duration2 Hours
Recovery Period2-3 Weeks

1. Are you an Ideal Candidate?

A tummy tuck is beneficial for both men and women. An ideal candidate for a tummy tucks in Dubai if:
• People who have excess or sagging abdominal skin.
• Those having excessive fat deposits.
• A protruding abdomen that is out of proportion to the rest of the body.
• Abdominal muscles that have been separated & weakened.
• Those who have a stable weight.
• Those who do not smoke.

2. What is the Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Cost in Dubai?

The average estimated Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty Cost in Dubai ranges from

AED 22,000 to AED 25,000.

3. How to prepare for Tummy Tuck in Dubai?

Preparation for Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty surgery is crucial for the safety and best results after the surgery. After selecting the right plastic surgeon, the surgeon will guide you on all important factors associated with the surgery, such as a suitable procedure for you, and what you can expect from this surgery. The surgeon may ask you to take certain medications or to stop taking medicines you are taking currently; if you are a smoker, you would be required to stop smoking at least six weeks before the surgery; maintain a healthy and balanced diet before surgery will help you to be in optimal physical condition to help promote the best outcome.

4. Which Tummy Tuck surgery is right for me?

i). Standard or Full Tummy Tuck
• A standard tummy tuck tightens skin and removes all the extra skin and fat from around the belly button and down to the pubis. It also allows for muscle tightening, which flattens the bulge or “pooch” that is common with diastasis recti.
Incisions: The surgery leaves a well-hidden scar that runs from hip bone to hip bone, typically low enough that it’s hidden even in a swimsuit. You’ll also have a small incision around your newly repositioned belly button. Liposuction may be used to remove excess fat over the full abdominal region. With the help of a skilled surgeon, strategic incisions and meticulous suturing will result in as inconspicuous scars as possible.
Ideal candidate: This standard approach is ideal for someone looking for a tighter, firmer core, often after pregnancy or weight loss.

ii). Mini Tummy Tuck
• Mini-Abdominoplasty is often done on people whose fat deposits are located below the navel. During this procedure, the surgeon most likely does not move the belly button, and the procedure may only take up to two hours, depending on the case.
Incisions: The incision is made very low on the abdomen and is typically 6 to 12 inches shorter than the incision made for a full tummy tuck. Because the procedure only focuses on the lower abdomen, it doesn’t require any repositioning or adjusting of your belly button.
Ideal candidate: If you have a small amount of excess skin and fat only below your belly button, you may benefit from a mini tummy tuck.
